The 15 Best THC Vape Pens
The 15 Best THC Vape Pens
Are you looking for an alternative to the harsh, hack-inducing smoke produced by your joints, blunts, bongs, and Thai sticks? Try THC vape pens instead.
In this article, we’ll tell you why many consider vaping to be a “safer” option than smoking. Then we’ll show you 15 of the best THC vape pens on the market to get you started. First, though, let’s discuss what vaping is and what it isn’t.
Vaping vs. Smoking
The product that eventually became known as the THC vape pen was first produced as an electronic cigarette to help tobacco smokers quit. It wasn’t long, though, before canny cannabis consumers recognized that these little devices could be used with marijuana as well.
And when they started modifying their electronic cigarettes to handle THC liquid, wax, and bud, they saw that the process of vaporizing was a great addition to the process of smoking joints or blunts.
Vaporizing is better than smoking because vaporizing reduces the temperature at which cannabinoids change from solid or liquid into gas.
This reduction in temperature preserves many of the active ingredients in marijuana—the stuff that gets you high and makes you feel good—that would otherwise have been destroyed when the cannabis was burned.
Think of it this way: a flame is pretty much only one temperature. It’s hot enough to burn your bud and turn it into smoke, which, for marijuana occurs at around 450℉.
But—and here’s the kicker—cannabinoids can be changed into a gas at much lower temperatures (around 284℉). All that extra heat is just destroying a large portion of the cannabinoids you’re trying to get into your system.
That’s where the THC vape pens come in. They operate at much lower temperatures than your common, everyday flame. Rather than producing smoke (through burning), they produce vapor (through vaporization).
As a result, you get more “bang for your buck” — or perhaps “cannabinoids for your cash” — because the THC, CBD, CBG, CBN, and others don’t get burned away.
And this occurs in a sleek and indiscreet package that doesn’t require bulky bongs or a plethora of extra tools. All you need is a THC vape pen and your favorite liquid, wax, or bud.
But which vaporizer should you choose? Here are the 15 best THC vape pens to help you decide.
The Best THC Vape Pens
1. Aurora
The Dr. Dabber Aurora doesn’t have a lot of flash. It’s sleek, matte-black finish is very indiscreet and low key. But what it lacks in looks, it more than makes up for in features.
The Aurora includes multiple atomizers — the component that vaporizes your cannabis — including dual ceramic rods and a ceramic heater. You can change these components out based on the differences in the liquid, wax, or bud you’re going to use.
2. The Executive
There’s nothing more discreet than a THC vape pen that looks like an actual pen. Watch out for The Executive by Dank Fung Extracts.
At $180, it’s the most expensive on the list. But for that price, you get a 24-karat-gold-plated surface, durable design, easy-to-use features, and an excellent atomizer.
It may not be for everyone, but the truly discriminating tastes will appreciate this visually appealing THC vape pen.
3. DL1
The DL in DL1 stands for “down low” and that’s exactly what this THC vape pen offers. It’s low price (just $50) and easy-to-use design make it the ideal choice for a “go-anywhere, smoke-anywhere” vape pen.
In addition to these features, the DL1’s atomizer is a dual quartz coil surrounded by a ceramic cup. This combination produces strong hits that will have you flying in no time.
4. PuffCo+
The PuffCo+ is PuffCo’s improvement on the PuffCo Pro. The PuffCo+ houses a coilless ceramic atomizer oven that works to preserve your favorite strain’s terpene flavor profile while producing the best cloud of vapor possible.
The PuffCo+ even offers a dab dart under the mouthpiece for those times when you’re without your dabbing tools.
A lot of thought has gone into the PuffCo+ so that you can reach the point where you don’t have to think at all.
5. Light
Dr. Dabber offers another THC vape pen, known simply as the Light. This one is smaller than Dr. Dabber’s other entry on this list and fits nicely in your pocket.
It’s an excellent choice for travel or other public venues. And it’s low price (just $49.95) makes it a great way to get started in the world of vaping without breaking the bank.
6. Micro Vaped V3
The Micro Vaped V3 by Nectar Collector is perhaps the most attractive entry on our list. It’s not the stealthiest THC vape pen ever created and probably isn’t the best choice for public use. But you’ll certainly get style points for breaking out this bong-like vape pen.
The Micro Vaped V3 isn’t just something to look at. It also produces powerful hits that get you where you want to go in no time flat.
That said, the Micro Vaped V3 is one of the more expensive entries on the list at $130. Because of that, it’s probably not the entry-level vape pen for most consumers.
But those with more experience will likely recognize that the Micro Vaped V3’s benefits outweigh its high price tag.
7. Source Orb 3
The Source Orb 3 by Source Vapes is truly the Swiss Army Knife of the THC vape pen world. It offers seven different atomizers so you’re prepared for whatever cannabis situation presents itself.
You’ll be ready to pair just the right atomizer with just the right marijuana. Because you can mix and match, the Source Orb 3 produces some truly potent hits.
Oh, and let’s not forget about appearance. The Source Orb 3’s sweeping lines and bulbous mouthpiece are reminiscent of a hookah and remind you that you can get high and look good at the same time.
8. Donuts
It may not be much to look at, but the Donuts THC vape pen by Kandy Pens gets the job done just the same. Yes, the design is simple, but why do you need something super fancy to get your fix?
The Donuts offers three different temperature settings so you can customize your vaping experience. The ceramic chamber produces a dense cloud of vapor for some truly righteous hits. And the Donuts even has a fancy 10-second automatic shut-off so the atomizer doesn’t get too hot.
It’s about middle of the road in terms of price ($99), but it does what it’s supposed to do without a lot of unnecessary flash.
9. Sirius
The Sirius by Pulsar Vaporizers is thicker than most entries on this list but, perhaps because it’s so thick, can heat up to 842℉ with just the click of a button. Those high temps in combination with the Sirius’ ceramic atomizer can make for some seriously wonderful vape hits.
O preço baixo (us$49), torna-se outra ótima opção para aqueles que procuram para tirar seus primeiros passos no mundo do THC vape canetas sem gastar muito massa.
Comece por aqui, ver se você gosta e, em seguida, considerar deixar cair um pouco mais moeda em um modelo high-end.
10. FogPen
O FogPen pelo Mis é uma outra entrada que mais parece uma caneta de um vaporizador. O que o torna uma opção para aqueles preocupados em fazer a sua correção sem pé fora.
O FogPen double-quartzo atomizador está alojado em uma câmara clara que lhe permite ver o vapor formando. Que um pouco agradável, além de um design sutil.
Quando não estiver em uso, o FogPen pode ser cobertos pelo seu pac, que se transforma a partir de uma vape caneta para regular caneta para facilitar a dissimulação e o transporte.
11. Onze Caneta
O Onze de Caneta pelo Vapor Irmãos é um padrão de THC vape caneta — nenhum fantasia recursos ou apresentação artística — que realiza o trabalho e recebe-lo bem feito. Ele não vai ganhar nenhum prêmio de design, mas ele vai tirar você de alta quando é suposto.
O Onze de Caneta vem com três opções de bobina: uma dupla cerâmica, cerâmica única, e um quartzo único. Você pode misturar e combinar, dependendo de qual forma de cannabis líquido ou cera que você está usando.
O Onze de Caneta também oferece a capacidade de carga usando qualquer um cabo mini-USB, assim você não precisa carregar um volumoso carregador. Talvez o melhor de todos, o Onze de Caneta pode ser usado durante o carregamento.
Além disso, o Onze de Caneta tem um built-in buraco de ar que permite um melhor fluxo de ar.
12. Hypnos Zero
Hypnos Zero por Linx combina um bocal de vidro, cerâmica atomizador câmara, e um fluxo de ar buraco para melhorar a carburação.
The combination of these elements, plus the relatively low price ($78), makes it ideal for first-time users or those concerned with size and portability.
Some users call this one of the “best tasting” THC vape pens on the market. Others use this vape pen as their constant travel companion when they’re on the road because of its solid construction.
13. Oozi Pen
The Oozi pen by Clout is a THC vape pen with a bit of artistic flair. The glass globe looks and feels like a bong, and watching it fill up with vapor can be just as pleasurable as inhaling.
The Oozi Pen is probably not for those on the go or who are worried about discretion. The glass globe and the swirling vapor inside make this a spectacle no matter how hard you try to conceal it.
Perhaps reserve this one for your home vaping needs.
14. V2 Pro Series 3X
The V2 Pro Series 3X comes with a wide variety of features that make this one of the most versatile THC vape pens on the market.
You can customize your V2 Pro Series 3X vape pen to accommodate oils, dry herb, and even dabs. You also have a choice of three different atomizers (0.9 ohms, 1.2 ohms, and 1.5 ohms) that open the door to a wide variety of e-liquids.
Couple that with two different mouthpieces, three different colors, and the option to vary the voltage and airflow settings, and you’ve got yourself an all-around THC vape pen for any situation.
15. The Wasp
If you want a simple THC vape pen that does one thing well, give the Wasp a try. This vape pen is perfect for oil, shatter, wax, and even budder.
Inside, the carborundum coils resist acid slag, oxidation, and melting while still vaporizing your cannabis quickly to deliver outstanding flavor and consistency.
Coupled with the Wasp’s built-in microprocessor, the coil actually heats up in two to three seconds so that you don’t have to suffer through a lengthy preheating before you can vape.
5 Benefits Of THC Vape Pens
1) Measured Dosing
With anything you inhale — joints, blunts, bongs, and, yes, THC vape pens — it’s incredibly difficult to gauge how much THC you’re getting with each inhale.
But one of the major benefits of using THC vape pens is that you don’t have to consume the whole thing right away. You can take one hit, set the pen aside, and see how you react.
Not buzzed enough? Pick up the pen and take another toke. Continue until you’re sufficiently stoned.
Plus, you can keep track of how many hits it took to get you to a certain point last time and go right for that number the next time you vape.
For more helpful information on THC dosing, check out this Honest Marijuana article: Get The Right THC Dose: Dank Revolution Store
2) Portability
THC vape pens are extremely portable. You can transport all the components in your pocket or bag without even really knowing they’re there.
No pre-rolled joints that get scrunched and bent. No baggies that rip and spill. No lids that come off. Just THC in the palm of your hand.
And now that pocket protectors are cool again — we’ve been wearing them for years — you can carry your assembled vape pen front and center in your shirt pocket with your favorite fountain pen, gel ink pen, and ballpoint pen. Now that’s a collection to be proud of!
3) Potency
As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, THC vape pens are more potent than smoking because the vaporizer changes the cannabinoids from liquid to gas at much lower temperatures.
Because there’s more THC in vapor than in smoke, with a vape pen, you need fewer hits to feel the same high.
4) Discretion
With the various burn methods — joints, blunts, spliffs, bongs, etc. — you’re usually aware of, if not downright concerned about, the smoke and smell.
Sure, you could use a sploof, but even that won’t make blazing up a fat boy in the office more acceptable.
Vape pens, though, don’t draw quite as much attention as a flaming joint because everything is self-contained and the vapor doesn’t have that tell-tale marijuana smell.
And the whole thing looks just like an e-cigarette, so you can always tell those who cast a disapproving eye that you’re just trying to quit smoking.
It’s important to remember that there are more discreet methods of getting your daily dose — edibles, gummies, tea, coffee, tinctures — but for those who like to inhale their cannabinoids, THC vape pens are an ideal solution.
5) Ease Of Use
THC vape pens might not be the simplest method of getting ganja into your system — pills and dissolvable strips probably hold that honor — but they’re certainly a close second.
Screw the two pieces together, press the button, and inhale. Few things could be easier.
5 Drawbacks Of THC Vape Pens
1) Mixed Opinions
THC vape pens have gotten a bad rap in the press lately thanks, in large part, to shoddily prepared cartridges (and the oil therein).
Mesmo a comunidade científica não pode concordar com os efeitos a longo prazo de vaping boa qualidade de THC óleo.
Mas isso é para ser esperado a partir do mesmo pessoas que, uma vez considerada a cannabis para ser a queda da sociedade moderna. Décadas mais tarde, eles estão finalmente começando a ver a miríade de benefícios médicos de que a maconha tem para oferecer.
2) Despesa
Quando comparado a outros métodos comuns de consumo — comestíveis, de fumar, enxugando — THC vape canetas são uma das opções mais caras.
Há pequenas tecnologia em que há cilindro que não era mesmo possível apenas a 10 anos atrás.
Além disso, quando você pensa sobre o custo de um típico vape caneta, você também tem de levar em portabilidade, a conveniência, e o critério que vem com ele.
You can’t get those same features from a joint, so paying a little bit extra might be worth it for you in some cases.
3) Terpênicos Conteúdo
Quando o tópico de terpenos surge em qualquer cannabis conversa, estamos falando de sabor.
Os terpenos são os óleos que o pote planta segrega durante a sua fase de floração. Mais de 100 terpenos foram identificados até o momento, cada um com seu próprio exclusivo sabor e cheiro.
Like the sweet, fruity taste of Strawberry Cough? That’s the terpenes. Can’t get enough of the skunky smell of Sour Diesel? Again, terpenes.
Not concerned about flavor and aroma? Try this on for size: Terpenes also create an entourage of health benefits.
Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, cancer, depression, insomnia, nausea, lack of appetite, muscle strain, asthma, breast cancer, stress, gallstones, or some other ailment, there’s probably a terp to treat it.
Mas devido a forma como o THC cartuchos são produzidos, eles geralmente contêm menos terpenos que as matérias bud você compra na farmácia. Isso significa que o vapor não ser tão saborosa como a fumaça de alguns frescos e de alta qualidade orgânica bud.
4) Longevity Of Effects
Os efeitos de uma THC vape caneta são decididamente mais curto than those produced by the tried-and-true pot brownie (or pretty much any other edible).
But, really, is that such a drawback? Maybe you just need a quick hit to take the edge off for the next hour or so instead of an all-day, can’t-discern-up-from-down high.
A THC vape pen can do the former. An edible, the latter. It’s all about choosing the right tool for the job.
5) Technical Knowledge
Many argue that THC vape pens require advanced technical knowledge.
It is true that some vape pens are incredibly complicated, allowing you to set vaporization temperature and a whole host of other variables.
Most of the pens on this list, though, are pretty straightforward and require little more than a rudimentary knowledge of how to screw two things together and push a button.
Our best advice: find a simple THC vape pen to play with, get some experience, and then you can move up to a more complicated model.
Which THC Vape Pen Is Right For You?
The answer to this question depends on what you need from your THC vape pen. What form of cannabis will you be using (oil, wax, dry bud)? How small of a pen do you want?
Do you need versatility, or can you get by with the pen doing only one thing? Do you want to customize your vape pen?
These are all questions you need to ask (and answer) before purchasing a vape pen. Talk to the budtenders at your local dispensary. They can give you plenty of information about THC vape pens. The more you know, the better prepared you’ll be to make your own decision.
For more information on all things cannabis and to check out our 100-percent all-natural marijuana products, visit today.
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