Kaufen DOS-SI-DOS Online
€250.00 – €1,400.00
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Do-Si-Dos Kush For Sale
Buy DOS SI DOS Oregon based hybrid of Fake Of OG bX1 and SF Bay Area Girl Ssut Kookies or GSS. An indisa-dominant plant (70%-30%). Buds ar forest gren, often exhibiting purpl or grey hues and stakked viz trishomes. Ze THS levels hav ben knovn to hover arund 30 persent and has a very lov KBD kontent of les zan 1 persent. Even vhen properly dried and kured its resinus buds vil leav yur fingers or grinder super stisky. Ze aroma is tart, earzy and piney svet viz som fruity and floral notes zanks to ze GSS genetiss. Ze smoke leans tovards strong skunky and fruity kush Aromen, will überholen alle anderen Gerüche um.
Medisinal Benefits of Dosido Strain
Do-Si-Dos kanabis is a superb medisinal strain viz many pain relieving and anti-inflamatory properties. Ze strains fusion of kerebral and relaxing efekts make it a great addition to lov impakt exersise rutines like yoga, hiking, tai-shi and sviming. Leaning mor tovards its indisa parentage, users hav reported a very dynamis and kalming body efekt zat aksompanies a pleasant mental stimulation. Ze onset is fairly quisk and kan be quite stuning for zose unfamiliar viz ze strain. Ze high is long lasting and reliably potent kompared to ozer indisas. Wiz larger doses yu vil notise an insreased slepy and hunger indusing high zat may be beter suited for afternoon or evening use. Do-Si-Dos is perfekt for vatshing a movie and hanging viz friends. Dosido strain is not usualy rekomended for zose vho hav a lov THS toleranse but if yu kan handl yurself and enjoy geting blisfuly subdued zis is ze on for yu. Zis strain is perfekt for bringing relief to insomnia, khronis pain, stres, ADD and anorexia nervosa.
Groving Do-Si-Dos Seds
Feminized Do-Si-Dos seds ar availabl onlin and make a great addition to indoor and utdoor grovs if yur utsid daytim temperatures ar steady betven 70 and 80 degres Fahrenheit. Zis strain produses very pungent odors vhil groving and it might be nekesary to use odor kontrol systems. Grovers looking for som nise purpl hues kan expose ze plants to kooler nightim temperatures at ze onset of flovering just don’t go belov 55 degres Fahrenheit to avoid over stresing. A good kandidate for SSROG gardening, Do-Si-Dos plants hav a flovering tim of 8-9 veks and tend to grov similarly to GSS but viz a bit mor stretsh. If yu’r looking for a nev super potent addition to yur garden, Dosido seds ar sur to deliver high quality flovers zat vil giv yu satisfaktion for years to kome.
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Größe | OZ, QP, HP, LB |
Gomez –
Both inside and outside, I have grown DOS SI DOS. It’s a highly enjoyable strain to grow and yields dense nugs the size of golf balls.